at LIFTKET we attach great importance to the quality of our products. Every single electric chain hoist was designed, developed, produced and tested with actual load capacity. A unique ID makes it possible to trace back exactly when which electric chain hoist was built by whom and with which materials – even 10 years after production.
In order to further improve the traceability and tracking of our products in the future, the chain strands of our electric chain hoists will be labelled with “LHG” (LIFTKET Hoffmann GmbH) from now on. Thus we always know when and where our chain is used. A real plus point! The changeover to labelled chain strands is carried out step-by-step due to existing stocks.
We can ensure the quality and reliability of our electric chain hoists exclusively with the original “LIFTKET chain” only. This must also be observed in future in case of any warranty claims.
For any questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Tip for the care of chain strands
Matthias Müller, Technical Manager of LIFTKET Hoffmann GmbH: “The service life of high-quality hoist chains can be considerably increased by professional lubrication. Information on the recommended lubrication intervals and on suitable chain lubricants can be found in the operating instructions of your electric chain hoist or also under Downloads.